Your reliable Partner
We fulfil our customers' wishes for cost-effective components with the most modern production methods. Whether individual part or series, tight delivery deadlines and call-off orders, we deliver everything in perfect quality.
We are also distinguished by our adherence to delivery dates. In addition, you can purchase a wide variety of materials in high quality at a reasonable price.
We look forward to your enquiry and will be happy to advise you.
Your contact person:
Mr Benjamin Isele07668/9032-27

Laser cutting
We cut your desired contour CNC-controlled in various sheet thicknesses and types with our laser systems.
Whether prototype or series production, the laser is always favourable and qualitatively superior, since no tool changes are necessary and no tool wear occurs.
We produce large series at a reasonable price without manpower with automatic loading and unloading units.
We use the highest level of automation possible.
From the raw sheet to the finished cut component stacked fully automatically on pallets.
Sheet metal warehouse permanently stocked:
• Structural steels: S235JRG, S355NC 1–20 mm
• High-alloy stainless steel: 1.4301 1–15mm
• High strength steels: Hardox 500, S700 3–20mm
• Case hardening steel: 16MnCr5 1–8mm
from 2998 mm x 1498 mm.
Use our modern CNC-controlled press brakes to manufacture your components.
Components can be edged up to a width of 3500 mm and with a press force of 2300 kN.
By using different bending tools, a wide range of bending radii and upturns can be achieved.
CNC technology makes it possible to edge even complex components in one work sequence.

Your contact person:
Mr Benjamin Isele